We’re glad you’re here.
Sunday Worship
When do we meet? We gather for worship at 8:30 and 11:00. Sunday School is at 9:45. Both gatherings are streamed online.
Where should I go? We have guest parking directly in front of the church sanctuary on Elkdale Street. If you decide to park in the front or rear parking lot, you can walk under the covered walkway to sanctuary entrance (underneath the steeple).
What should I wear? At both of our services, you are welcome to come as you are. You will see people dressed fairly casually and some more formally. But all are welcome, regardless of style of dress.
What happens in the service? Services last about an hour, and include singing, scripture readings, prayers, and a dedicate time of listening to God’s Word preached from the Bible.
What about my kids? Birth-3 year olds can be dropped off in our preschool area up to 15 minutes before each service. We also offer Children's Church (Age 4 - 1st Grade) during both morning services. Before the preaching, these children are instructed to move to meet our Children’s Church teachers at the front of the sanctuary and are escorted to a classroom nearby. Find out more.
Wednesday Nights
In January we will be starting our Wednesday Night GROW Groups and Family Night schedule. From 4:45 p.m.-5:30 p.m. we meet in our Fellowship Hall for our Faith Family Meal. Adult plates are $7.00 and Youth/Children are always FREE.
Men’s GROW Group: “James” Led by John Braley (A-307)
Women’s GROW Group: “Holy Spirit & Prayer” Led by Kim McLaughlin & Frances Kendrick (A-306)
Co-Ed GROW Group: “Parenting Children With Special Needs” Led by Katrina Smith (A-305)
Co-Ed GROW Group: Prayer Meeting with Ferrell Ford (Sanctuary)
GriefShare: a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Led by Debbie Mason (A-301)
Nursery is available for bed babies-3 year olds. We also have REAL Kids (Real Life, Real Love, Real Fun!) for Children ages 4-6th Grade. Youth meet in the Youth Building & enjoy Fellowship, Bible Study, & Games!

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